BHARTI VIDHYA BHAWAN SOCIETY, BANSWARA (RAJ.) is running one school in the name of BHARTI VIDHYA BHAWAN SR. SEC. SCHOOL  at Ratitalai, College Link Road, Banswara, Raj. situated in the Banswars City itself adjacent to the Ratlam City of Madhya Pradesh.  For the proper development of system & day to day to improvement in the school working.  We are constituting one school managing committee whose power & functions are following subject to over all control of the Trust/ Society/ SMC.

1.       S.M.C. shall have the power to supervise the activities of the school for its smooth functioning.

2.       S.M.C. will work according to the specific direction given by the society regarding admission policy however admissions will be made as per merit with out discretion of caste/ creed/ religion & religion.

3.       S.M.C. will look in to the welfare of the teachers & employees of the school.

4.       S.M.C. shall evolve both short term & long term programmes for the improvement of the school.

5.       S.M.C. shall have the powers for making appointment of teachers and non-teaching staff.

6.       S.M.C. shall exercise financial powers beyond those delegated to the Principal with in the budge tore provision of the school.

7.       S.M.C. shall have the powers to take stock of academic programmes and progress of the school without jeopardizing the academic freedom of the Principal.

8.       S.M.C. shall guide the Principal to maintain tone and discipline in the school.

9.       S.M.C. shall ensure that the norms even in the act of the state and by the C.B.S.E. regarding terms and conditions of service and other rules governing recognition/ affiliation of the school are strictly adhered to.

10.     S.M.C. shall exercise power to take disciplinary action against staff.

11.     S.M.C. shall have powers to sanction leave to the Head of the institution.

12.     S.M.C. shall ensure that no financial irregularity is committed or any irregular procedure with regard to admission and examinations is adopted.

13.     S.M.C. shall have the powers to propose to the trust rates fees and other annual charges and other teaching aids and the requisite sports material in adequate quantity and on time.

14.     The Managing Committee will meet at least twice in an academic session.

This Committee will works for 3 years thereafter new committee will be formed.